CHECKLIST - REPUBLIC SEABEE RC-3 **Make sure ignition switch is off** EXTERIOR CHECKS [ ] Remove wheel chocks and control locks [ ] Control surfaces - check for free movement, looseness, damage, corrosion [ ] Flaps - check range of travel [ ] Water rudder - check for free movement, looseness, damage, corrosion [ ] Landing gear - check tires, brakes, struts [ ] Hull - check for damage, corrosion, leakage [ ] Fuselage - check security of cowls, access openings, inspection plates [ ] Engine - check oil level, check for leaks [ ] Prop - check for nicks, looseness, damage [ ] Fuel - visually check level, check fuel cap for security [ ] Drains - drain fuel until clear of water, check for correct fuel grade (color) INTERIOR CHECKS [ ] Required documents - on board [ ] Fire extinguisher - on board [ ] First aid kit - on board [ ] Flight controls - check full range of travel, correct direction of travel [ ] Trim - set for take off [ ] Master switch on [ ] Check lights and gauges [ ] Master switch off BEFORE STARTING [ ] Safety belts - fastened [ ] Doors - closed [ ] Prop reverse - normal thrust position & locked (if used) STARTING [ ] Throttle - cracked [ ] Mixture - full rich [ ] Carb heat - cold [ ] Master switch - on [ ] Prop - clear [ ] Ignition switch - start engine [ ] Oil pressure - check [ ] Exterior lights - on [ ] Avionics - on RUNUP [ ] Warm up - 900-1200 rpm [ ] Apply brakes and advance to full throttle [ ] Mag check - R & L, 150 rpm max drop, return to low rpm [ ] Prop - check pitch change and reverse (if used) BEFORE TAKEOFF [ ] Safety belts - fastened [ ] Doors - closed [ ] Flight controls - check [ ] Trim - set [ ] Flaps - as needed [ ] Mixture - full rich [ ] Carb heat - cold [ ] Prop reverse - normal & locked (if used) [ ] Check oil pressure, oil temperature, battery charge [ ] Avionics - NAV/COM set, VORs set, Transponder on [ ] Contact ATC LAND TAKEOFF [ ] Taxi forward to straighten and lock tail wheel [ ] Take off - full throttle, let tail come up, lift off at 65 kts [ ] Landing gear - up when clear of ground [ ] Flaps - raise after establishing rate of climb WATER TAKEOFF [ ] Landing gear - retracted [ ] Flaps - 10 deg [ ] Take off - full throttle, lift off at 65 kts [ ] Flaps - raise after establishing rate of climb CLIMB [ ] Climb at full throttle, 65 kts, gear and flaps up CRUISE [ ] Throttle back to 2150 rpm, approximately 95 kts [ ] Lean mixture to obtain peak rpm DESCENT [ ] Throttle - 1700 rpm [ ] Mixture - full rich [ ] Carb heat - as needed [ ] Airspeed - 69 kts BEFORE LANDING [ ] Call ATC [ ] Airspeed - maintain 69 kts [ ] Landing gear - down when appropriate (up for water) [ ] Flaps - 10 degrees when appropriate, increase as needed [ ] Throttle - as needed to control rate of descent [ ] Prop - high rpm (if used) [ ] Mixture - full rich [ ] Carb heat - cold on final LANDING [ ] Touch down on main wheels [ ] Apply brakes after tail comes down AFTER LANDING [ ] Raise flaps [ ] Trim - set for take off [ ] Carb heat - cold [ ] Transponder - standby SECURING AIRCRAFT [ ] Avionics - off [ ] Throttle - idle [ ] Mixture - idle cutoff [ ] Ignition switch - off [ ] Lights - off [ ] Master switch - off